While undergoing addiction treatment you will really need a structured program so that you can successfully heal your addiction.
The traditional 12-step method used by most of the rehabilitation program centers may not be the best way to treat many people. They may need certain individualized treatment methods.
Nowadays there are few facilities available in the country which can provide the following benefits.
- Based on modern scientific research
In this new method, the treatments are totally based on various results that have been obtained after many years of scientific research. As you know, drugs and alcohol can affect our brain function and therefore the treatment is done based on psychological research. People who have not benefitted much from traditional methods of treatment may find this treatment a welcome change.
- Programs are designed based on individual needs
In earlier methods of drug or alcohol addiction rehabilitation, support groups used to help the individual, who may be having well intentioned objectives however for many people the treatment process used to become more difficult for them. The methods that work for some may not fit other individuals. In this method, the individual strength and weaknesses are first evaluated and based on that, an appropriate treatment plan is designed.
- Psychiatric treatment is also added
It has been found that many people often start taking drug or alcohol to get rid of their mental depression. This ends up with addiction and therefore it is necessary to understand their psychological needs. Here a team of professionals determine various symptoms of the patients and based on their finding, they provide necessary psychological treatment.
- Evidence based treatment
In this treatment, professionals will try to find out about the past history of the addicted person and learn what has worked for them and what has not worked. Having known about the full case history they will design the treatment which is totally based on evidence.
- Less rigid program
Often people may get turned off by the rigid program of traditional treatment process. This program is quite flexible which is one of the successful attributes of the treatment.